Amazing Facts About Biology

Amazing Facts About Biology

* People who can't begin their days without a cup of coffee, they would have to yell for 8 years, 7 months, and 6 days, and thus produce enough sound energy to heat up one cup of coffee when the energy resources of the world go extinct. 

* Making of an atomic bomb isn't as easy as it seems. If one wishes to make a natural atomic bomb then he shall have to fart continuously for 6 years and 9 months, so as to produce enough gas to create the energy of an atomic bomb. When the world energy resources go extinct superpowers are going to have a tough time threatening each other. 

* Squirting blood up to 10 feet is a cake walk for a human heart as it's capable of creating enough pressure.

* Head banging against a wall uses 150 calories an hour, but how does it matter because death would have picked you up by then with insanity laughing at your stupidity. 

* On a regular basis people are more scared of spiders than death, without realizing that a spider runs to shelter every time it touches a human and cleans itself off the germs. 

* An ant is capable of lifting 50 times its own weight and pulling 30 times its own weight. 

* Elephants are the only ones cursed with the inability of jumping. We must thank god for that or we would have been having innumerable earthquakes. 

* Lucky are starfishes that don't have brains or like humans they would have been capable of thinking of problems that don't even exist in the first place and giving themselves a headache. 

* The appendix once declared to be useless has now been found to be useful to the bacteria that help our digestive system functioning. It's used to get some respite from the tension of the hysterical activity of the gut. 

* Our blood is red colored because the iron in the blood is bound in a ring of atoms in hemoglobin called porphyrin and it's the shape of this structure that produces the color. The redness of your hemoglobin depends on whether there is oxygen bounded to it. With the presence of oxygen, the shape of the porphyrin is changed, giving the red blood cells a more vivid shade. 
