Amazing Facts About Charles Dickens

Amazing Facts About Charles Dickens

* Charles Dickens was born on 7th February 1812 in Portsmouth. 

* Charles Dickens came from a poor family, but he was lucky enough to attend school 

* Unfortunately, after his father was jailed for having 'bad debts', Charles Dickens was forced to leave school and start work in a blacking factory (a boot polish factory). He worked there for three years. The conditions were very poor and Charles Dickens suffered from loneliness. 

* Dickens started to write as a journalist. He contributed articles to journals called The Mirror of Parliament and The True Sun. 

* In 1833 he was employed as the parliamentary reporter for The Morning Chronicle newspaper. He also started to produce a series of sketches. He called himself Boz when he published these. 

* In 1836 Charles Dickens married Catherine Hogarth. She was the daughter of one of his editors, George Hogarth. 

* Later in 1836, a story by Dickens, The Pickwick Papers was published as a serial. This proved to be very popular and Dickens started to become famous. 

* Charles Dickens went on to produce a massive amount of material during his lifetime. He published fifteen novels, wrote hundreds of short stories and non-fiction pieces, lectured and performed both in England and in the United States, wrote plays, wrote thousands of letters and edited two journals. 

* After having ten children together, Charles Dickens and Catherine Hogarth separated in 1858. Dickens then had a relationship with Ellen Ternan, an actress. 

* Dickens was interested in the paranormal. He was a member of The Ghost Club. 
